Orbits is a data-driven generative instrument that transforms the rotational patterns of Venus and Earth as they orbit the Sun into immersive visuals and soundscapes. Designed to explore the natural patterns inherent in the cosmos, the instrument has been performed in spatial audio arrays ranging from 8 to 140 channels and, more recently, in fulldome environments.
The instrument uses a dataset developed by Hartmut Warm, first published in his book Signature of the Celestial Spheres, along with data from the Hitran dataset to generate its sounds. The performance utilizes an iPad and Mi.Mu gloves, enabling real-time interaction and expression. Monica Bolles uses Orbits to reveal the musicality embedded in nature while reflecting on humanity's influence and place within the Universe.
2019: Cube Fest
2023: Currents New Media Festival
2021 - Bolles, M. Orbits: A data driven instrument for live performance, The 26th International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2021 Virtual Conference